We want to personally thank each of you who have contacted your state representatives and come alongside Heritage this year in advocating for our seniors. Even if you already spoken with your legislators earlier in this budget process, we are asking that you please consider again reaching out to your elected representatives.
There are a number of positive items included in the current proposed budgets, however, these three critical points must still be addressed, These points address important financial and staffing impacts that will affect nursing homesand assisted living communities, including Heritage, throughout NYS:
- The proposed budgets do not help nursing homes at all because they do not provide a meaningful Medicaid rate increase. The 1% Medicaid rate increase provided in the proposed house budget does not do enough to help struggling nursing home and long-term care providers who are still experiencing all the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The proposed budgets do not authorize medication aides (specially trained certified nursing assistants) to administer medications under the supervision of a registered nurse. Medication aides would help provide immediate relief to the staffing challenges nursing homes across NYS face.
- The proposed budgets do not provide funding to support Assisted Living communities who are struggling with the staggering costs related to the pandemic and the workforce recruitment and retention.
During these final 2 weeks of state budget work, please join us in urging lawmakers to provide critical proper funding and staffing support to New York’s nursing homes and assisted living communities! It is important that your representatives know we are continuing to advocate for our beloved seniors. Every voice matters.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Heritage and the seniors we serve.