Changing the way you eat doesn’t sound too difficult. But, if you’ve been doing something for most of your life, and now you’re in your 60s or older, that can be pretty daunting.
What helps is to have a partner to help you. Those residing within retirement communities that provide three nutritious and delicious meals each day enjoy such a luxury. Heritage is one such community! We use the freshest and finest ingredients while providing plenty of choices in dining.
Community members are able to improve their eating habits immediately at Heritage, which can be beneficial to their overall health. Studies have shown that older adults can experience a loss of appetite and changes in taste and smell, resulting in fewer food options and less consumption of healthy foods, including high-fiber items, whole grains and leafy green vegetables. Heritage offers plenty of healthy options.
Regardless of what you’re eating, there are other ways to improve your eating habits, and it begins by slowing down. Consider drinking a glass of water before starting, especially since dehydration is a concern for seniors. Adding protein, which is found in tuna, peanut butter, and hard-boiled eggs helps with muscle loss. Don’t overeat. You may not want to waste food from your plate, but you also don’t want to waste your remaining years unhealthy. Also, be careful of tempting desserts. Planning meals, eating around the same time everyday, and not eating before bedtime are other ways to improve eating habits. You also shouldn’t skip meals and don’t be afraid of adding healthy snacks throughout the day. Finally, talk to your doctor. In addition, see if you can connect with our dietician or someone on the dining staff that may be able to help you choose healthy meals.